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Gameboard Administration

The Admin function of Gameboard helps those with the Admin role:

  • Create, clone, manage, and delete games and challenges
  • Manage users
  • Observe participants
  • Enter sponsor information
  • Run and export user, Gameboard, challenge, and feedback reports
  • Broadcast messages to all game participants

After logging into the Gameboard app with the appropriate role, click Admin. By default, you land on the Games tab.

The Live tab

The Live tab allows game administrators to select Live Stats (e.g., the number of Active Competitive Challenges deployed, the number of Active Practice Challenges deployed, etc.) and take certain actions, such as copy player or team IDs, view challenge states, view sessions, observe, and view games.

Send Announcement

The Announcement feature allows game administrators to broadcast important messages to all players within a game. Among other uses, these could be messages regarding Gameboard issues, challenge issues, and changes to logistics.

In the Announcement field, enter the content of the announcement and click Announce.

The Games tab (landing page)

The Games tab is the landing page when you select Admin from the top navigation menu. By default, the games are displayed as cards.

The Game Center

Select a game card to access that game in the Game Center. The Game Center is the one-stop-shop where games are configured, managed, and observed. See the Game Center documentation for a full explanation of the Game Center.

Note the game info icons at the bottom of the game cards. When hovered over, these icons provide information about the game.

game info icons

  • Live now: the game is live in competition mode.
  • Info: the game's season, division, track, and number of registered teams/players.
  • Team/individual: whether the game is a team or individual game.
  • Engine mode: whether the game uses standard VMs or external hosts.
  • Published/unpublished: if the game is not published the "Eye Slash" icon appears here.
  • Practice mode: the "Play" icon appears indicating the game is in Practice mode; absence of the "Play" icon indicates the game is in or competition mode (subject to the execution open and close dates).
  • 3 dot context menu: export a game package, clone, and delete a game.

This Search feature allows game administrators to search on name, season, track, etc., of the game tiles that appear here.

Toggle Cards and Table

Toggle between the view of games displayed as game cards or rows in a table.

New Game

Click + New Game to create a new game, or upload or drop a package. Packages are created by exporting them from a current game.

After creating a new game, the screen changes to that of the Game Center where games are configured, managed, and observed. See the Game Center documentation to finish configuring your newly added game.

Upload a game package

Another way to create a new game is to export a game package from an existing game and import its package as a new game.

To export a game package:

  1. On the game card, select the 3 dot context menu, then Export Package. The export process packages the game configuration and assets (such as the card image and map image) into a ZIP file.
  2. Exported packages are not readily accessible from the Gameboard web client. To locate the newly exported package, browse to wwwroot/export/packages on the API app server.

To import (upload) a game package:

  1. Upload or drop an exported game package into the drop zone on the Games tab. The drop zone is high-lighted in the screen print below.

upload a package

Cloning a game

Cloning creates a copy of the game that replicates most of the original game.

  1. On the game card, select the 3 dot context menu, then Clone.

Deleting a game

Deleting a game deletes it from the Gameboard app.

  1. On the game card, select the 3 dot context menu, then Delete.


Games that contain registered players can be deleted by users who have the appropriate role permission (i.e., Admin and Director).