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Configuring certificate templates

Game participants can view, share, and print certificates of completion as proof of participation in a game. To do so, certificate templates must be configured in a game's Metadata settings. Game organizers (i.e., users who have been granted a role with the appropriate permissions) configure certificate templates to customize the appearance of these completion certificates.

This topic assumes you have been granted a role with the appropriate permissions in Gameboard, you are logged in, and you have a game created.

  1. In the top navigation, select Admin.
  2. Select an existing game, then Select the Settings cog. Under Metadata, see the Completion Certificates section. Here you can select an existing certificate template and add, preview, edit, copy, and delete completion certificate templates.

certificate template icons

Certificates are "templatized", allowing a single certificate template to be used across multiple games. Competitive certificate templates and practice certificate templates share a unified set of fields that can be incorporated to display relevant information on the completion certificate generated by the participant.

The keywords, which should be enclosed in {{double braces}}, are as follows: date, division, challengeDescription, challengeName, gameName, playerName, rank, score, season, series, teamName, totalPlayerCount, totalTeamCount, time, track, and userName.

Selecting a certificate template

Players can view a list of past certificates from their Gameboard Profile page too. In Gameboard, click Profile. Then click Certificates. A table view of all game certificates is displayed. You can view and print the certificate as a .PDF from the table view.

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Completion Certificates, choose an existing certificate template from the dropdowns.

Adding a certificate template

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Completion Certificates, select the + icon.
  2. In the Create Certificate Template window, enter a Name for your certificate template.
  3. In the Template box, specify the certificate template in HTML. You should not include the entire HTML document (i.e., don't add <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, or <body> tags). Just provide the essential HTML content, such as <div> and <p> elements.

  4. Gameboard automatically inserts your content into a pre-existing, correctly formatted HTML document for display.

  5. You can use the Copy from: feature to paste an example certificate HTML configuration into the Template field. In the Copy from: dropdown, select a template to copy from and then click Copy.
  6. You can include <style> blocks to define CSS styles and apply them to your custom HTML elements.
  7. You can set a background image for your certificate by using the .gameboard-print-html CSS class. Gameboard generates this element when rendering the certificate, and any styles you apply to it (like background-image) are used automatically.

  8. Click OK.

Previewing a certificate template

This section assumes that you have been granted the Administrator role in Gameboard, you are logged in, and you have a game created.

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Completion Certificates, select the eye icon. The certificate preview launches in a new browser tab.

Editing a certificate template

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Completion Certificates, select the Edit icon. The Edit Certificate Template window is launched.
  2. Make any updates in the Name and Template fields, then click OK.

Copying a certificate template

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Completion Certificates, select the Copy icon. The template's HTML configuration is copied to your clipboard.
  2. Paste the HTML into the location of your choice.

Deleting a certificate template

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Completion Certificates, select the Delete icon. The certificate template is deleted.


There is no additional confirmation when deleting a certificate template. Clicking Delete does indeed delete your certificate template!