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Feedback Templates

In the Gameboard application, it is possible to use feedback forms to capture participant feedback on a game and challenges. Collecting and analyzing participant feedback can help you refine and improve your user experiences. Feedback forms are generated from feedback templates.

  • Feedback templates are created by users who are granted a role with elevated permissions (Admin, Director).
  • Feedback forms are completed by participants or players in the game.
  • Feedback reports are reviewed by users who are granted a role with the appropriate permission (Admin, Director, and Support).

Creating a feedback template is not required to build a game or challenge. It's up to you whether or not you choose to implement feedback. If a feedback template is not configured in the Gameboard administration menu, then the feedback form does not appear for the participant.

You can create questions for just a game, just challenges, or both game and challenges. When you create a feedback template for a game or one of its challenges, you can use that template in other games and challenges too.

It is not possible to change a feedback template after responses have been submitted.

This section assumes you have been granted a role with the appropriate permissions in Gameboard, you are logged in, and you have a game created.

  1. In the top navigation, select Admin.
  2. Select an existing game, then select the Settings cog. Under Metadata, see the Player Feedback section. Here you can select an existing feedback template and add, preview, edit, copy, and delete feedback templates.

feedback template icons

Selecting a feedback template

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Player Feedback, choose an existing certificate template from the dropdowns.

Adding a feedback template

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Player Feedback, select the + icon next to Game Feedback Template and/or Challenges Feedback Template.
  2. In the Create Template window, enter a Name for your certificate template.
  3. In the Help Text field, enter a brief explanatory message that guides users on how to complete the feedback form.
  4. In the Template box, specify the feedback questions in YAML. For guidance, see the Configuration YAML section below.
  5. You can use the Copy from: feature to paste an example configuration into the Template field. In the Copy from: dropdown, select a template to copy from and then click Paste Example Configuration.
  6. Click OK.

Previewing a feedback template

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Player Feedback, select the eye icon next to Game Feedback Template and/or Challenges Feedback Template. The feedback template preview launches.
  2. Click OK to dismiss it.

Editing a feedback template

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Player Feedback, select the Edit icon next to Game Feedback Template and/or Challenges Feedback Template. The Edit Template window is launched.
  2. Make any updates in the Name, Help Text, and Template fields, then click OK.

Copying a feedback template

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Player Feedback, select the Copy icon next to Game Feedback Template and/or Challenges Feedback Template. The template's YAML configuration is copied to your clipboard.
  2. Paste the YAML into the location of your choice.

Deleting a feedback template

  1. In the game's Metadata settings, under Player Feedback, select the Delete icon next to Game Feedback Template and/or Challenges Feedback Template. The feedback template is deleted.


There is no additional confirmation when deleting a certificate template. Clicking Delete does indeed delete your certificate template!

Configuration YAML

Review the following sample YAML feedback form to understand the keys and their values.

- id: q1
  prompt: Please rate the difficulty of this game.
  shortName: Difficulty
  type: likert
  max: 10
  minLabel: Very Easy
  maxLabel: Very Difficult
  required: true
- id: q2
  prompt: What did you like about this game?
  type: text
  • id: ids must be unique within the template. If ids in a single list are not unique, you are presented with a warning.
  • prompt: this is the question you want the participant to answer or the property you want them to rate.
  • shortName: an abbreviated version of the prompt. shortName is optional, but is helpful for use in tables as the column header. Good examples are "Difficult" or "Quality".
  • type: likert or text; if the type is Likert, then defining the scale (max, minLabel, maxLabel) of how much a participant can agree or disagree with your prompt is required. If the type is text, a participant is free to answer your prompt however they like. Text type questions have a 2,000 character limit.
  • max: this is the upper extreme of your Likert scale; 10 is the recommended upper limit. Any integer greater than 1 will work, but a scale that goes past 10 may become unwieldy or awkward.
  • minLabel: specify the labels for the extremes of your Likert scale; examples of the negative extreme might be "very easy", "strongly disagree", or "very dissatisfied".
  • maxLabel: specify the labels for the extremes of your Likert scale; examples of the positive extreme might be " very difficult", "strongly agree", or "very satisfied".
  • required: this key is optional; set required to true if you want to make your question required.

Reporting on feedback

Viewing and exporting responses to feedback is also a function of roles with some elevated permissions. Assuming that you are logged into Gameboard as a user with the Admin, Director, or Support role, in the top navigation select Reports. Then select Feedback Report.

Feedback Reports are documented in the Using Reports section of the docs.