The Dauntless
Document registration: Earth (Code: 12204)
Dauntless is the first Earth ship to contain CubeDrive technology. This power system does not require refueling or recharging. It does require the crew to follow a specific set of steps to launch the ship into deep space.
Ship Layout
Workstation Descriptions
Workstations control ship functions. Navigate to workstations by selecting them in the ship. Only one user can engage a workstation at a time. The words In Use appear when a user is trying to access an occupied workstation.
Heads-Up Display (HUD) Controls
The Heads-up Display (HUD) contains a variety of information about the mission and the competition. HUD controls display on the screen when you are viewing the ship. HUD controls help you navigate, manage missions, track decrypted alien codices, and guide you through the Dauntless' operations.
The Mission Log
Challenges can be completed in any sequence and completing some challenges will unlock additional bonus challenges.
View competition milestones and metrics in the Progress display. Challenges in the Progress display are color coded to denote status: red indicates an incomplete challenge; yellow, a partially complete challenge; green, a complete challenge, bonus challenge unlocked. Gold indicates bonus challenge complete.
Bonus challenges are unlocked after completing a competition challenge. To attempt a bonus challenge, fly the Dauntless to the location of a supply cache. All challenges pertaining to the alien spaceship are simultaneously available when the Dauntless is in the Sol system (where Earth is located). Be warned! Traveling to another system means you will lose access to all ship challenges. Returning to the Sol system restores access to alien ship challenges. Select a mission to view the mission log.
Progress Legend
System Functions
Workstations on the Dauntless can only be used by one crew member at a time. Refer to "Workstation Descriptions" for a refresher on the functions of each workstation.
The Launch Sequence procedure must be followed to successfully launch the Dauntless. All launch sequence workstations have an emergency ABORT button. Press ABORT to reset the Launch Sequence.
Power Management
Effective power management on the Dauntless is essential when traveling in deep space. Before and after space travel, the crew should monitor Dauntless' Power Workstation to ensure power is routed to the correct mode: Launch Mode or Exploration Mode.
Quickly toggle between modes by clicking the buttons.
Launch Sequence
Strict adherence to the Launch Sequence is required to initiate deep space travel. The crew of the Dauntless must complete the Launch Sequence anytime CubeDrive technology is used. All challenges pertaining to the alien spaceship are simultaneously available when the Dauntless is in the Sol system (where Earth is located). During the course of the competition, additional locations where cache challenges are available can be unlocked. To access these cache challenges, you must travel to the remote location. Be warned! Doing so means you will lose access to all ship challenges during this time! Returning to the Sol system restores access to alien ship challenges.
Launch Procedure
At the Power Workstation:
route power for Launch Mode...
...and navigate to the desired location.
Navigating to the desired location
Destination Arrival
Switch to Exploration Mode: