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Using the Integrated Support feature

The gameboard platform comes with a built-in customer support interface so that competition hosts and administrators can assist competitors and players. This way, Gameboard is a "one-stop shop" and no outside apps or systems are required to track and measure issues reported by participants.

You must have either the Support role or Admin role to use the support feature and manage tickets. Assuming you have been granted the appropriate role in Gameboard, select Support.

Support from participant point-of-view

Creating new support ticket

You can create tickets from two places: the Support page or a challenge screen. In both cases you click the blue Create Ticket button to get started. If you are coming from the challenge screen, then the Support Code, player id, and challenge id are automatically generated; if you are not, then this information can be added later.

In the Summary, enter a brief statement of the problem.

In the Description, enter a more detailed statement of your problem. Include error messages and other pertinent details.

Under Attachments, attach files--especially screen shots--here.

Click Submit.

After submitting the ticket, you can always add a comment and attach another file. Updates to a ticket are tracked under Activity. View a status change or an assignment change here.

Finding an existing ticket

From the Support page, use the dropdowns and the Search field to locate existing tickets. Filter tickets by status:

  • Any Status
  • Open
  • In progress
  • Not Closed (Open plus In Progress)
  • Closed

Filter by Assigned to me, Unassigned, and Any Assignment. Finally, you can also filter by labels.

Search by entering terms. Search covers ticket description, label, user, challenge title, and player.

Support from the Support role point-of-view

Click the links in the ticket header to instantly jump to the submitter's Game and Challenge details.

Creating new support ticket

The procedure for support staff (i.e., users given the Support role) to create a tickets is very similar to procedure for participants to create a ticket (see above). However, after a ticket has been created users with the Support role have more options to manage the tickets.

Managing support tickets

From the Ticket management side-bar:

Assigned to: Assign the ticket to another support person. The dropdown is filtered by users who have been granted the support role.

Status: Move the ticket through the support workflow. Tickets are Open, In progress, or Closed.

  • Open - Indicates that ticket has been reported, but not yet acted upon by support staff. The ticket is "waiting" on an action.
  • In progress - The ticket is actively being worked on.
  • Closed - The ticket has been resolved and no longer requires action from support or participants.

Labels: Labels are tags or keywords used to categorize the ticket. A label is like a hashtag (#) used on Twitter, Facebook, and other social apps. Labels help when searching for an issue; labels also help when reporting on metrics from your competition.

Challenge: When a ticket is associated with a challenge--meaning that the ticket was created from within the specific challenge--the challenge support code is shown here. If the challenge field is blank, you can view the challenge(s) the player is a part of in the Challenge dropdown. Attach the correct challenge from here.

Player: When a ticket is associated with a challenge it is also linked to a team or player. If the challenge is a team challenge, then all of the members of the team can view the ticket.

Add a comment to communicate with the participant.

Copy to markdown

The Copy to markdown icon allows you to copy support ticket content to Markdown. You can paste it anywhere, including into a messaging app or email, with nicely formatted text, avoiding the need for links or logins to the Gameboard.

Support-related reporting provides you with a way to manage workloads and track trends during your competition. In the main menu, select Reports. Then click Support in the Reports screen.