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If contributing an application to this application ecosystem, or if developing a client, use this area to define any API resources you want to protect, and the client specifications needed. Some features may need administrator approval.

A client is an application that wants to use Identity Server to provide authentication. Using Gameboard as an example: when logging into Gameboard, Gameboard is a client asking Identity to provide authentication services. A resource is protected information or functionality that an application exposes to authenticated users. Gameboard uses a resource to expose a user profile to it (Gameboard).

In keeping with our Gameboard example:

There may be a gameboard-api resource requesting access to the gameboard-api (the Scope). See screen print 1 below.

There would also be a corresponding client for Gameboard. This is what the Gameboard application uses when identifying itself to the Identity server. See screen print 2 below. The OpenID Identifier gameboard-code authenticates to the Identity server. Scopes asks for access to openid, the user's profile, and access to the gameboard-api resource.

When Client Enabled is checked by an Admin, the client (application) is available as a URL on the Home tab.

Screen print 1: Resource


Screen print 2: Client


Additional Information

Many of the options found here are described in the IdentityServer 4 documentation. You might find these topics helpful.