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Basic Handler Configuration

The following is the format for a basic timeline handler:

"TimeLineHandlers": [
      "HandlerType": "Watcher",
      "UtcTimeOn": "00:00:00",
      "UtcTimeOff": "24:00:00",
      "Loop": true,
      "TimeLineEvents": [
          "Command": "folder",
          "CommandArgs": [ "path:%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\\Downloads", "size:2000", "deletionApproach:oldest" ],
          "DelayAfter": 0,
          "DelayBefore": 0

Some of the key-value pairs are self-explanatory, but let's review a few important ones:

Key Value
HandlerType The application or major function we want to control. This could be FireFox, the Cmd terminal, or Word.
UtcTimeOn The time the handler will begin to run. To simulate an agent coming into the office at 0900, we set this to your time zone's UTC value.
UtcTimeOff The time the handler will stop. To simulate an agent leaving the office at 1700, we set this to your time zone's UTC value.
Loop true or false - a handler could be repeated or just run one-time.